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by Ed Mayhew (poetry) and Ally Gordon (art)
Editor’s Note: We’re sharing a poem from Ed Mayhew and Ally Gordon’s new book, Lost Things. Lost Things is a collaboration between a writer (Mayhew) and a painter (Gordon), the result is a creative and beautiful book in which the visual and the textual dimensions resonate with and deepen one another.
Lost Beauty
by Ed Mayhew
Glory be to God for lost things — For dusk-wrapped sunsets, curled calendars like wood shavings; For shed skin, jumble feathers, fashion and fray; Firm arguments, orbiting grief, plucked strings; Landscapes scoped, scraped, scrapped, routed, reborn—replaying Industry’s never-done demand, “Next please.” Said-and-done, filed away. All things contemporary, erstwhile, spare, strange; Whatever is dropped, forgotten (left for dead?) Samaritan-restored or trod in soil, all decays; None more lost than he at hour nine, author of change: All praise.
And here are a few more pages from Lost Things to whet your appetite for the whole volume.
Ed Mayhew is a writer of poetry, novels, music, and comedy. This is his second published poetry collection after Refined, also published by Morphe Arts.
Alastair Gordon is an artist and writer based in London and is the co-founder of Morphe Arts. . His paintings are featured in international collections and art fairs, including the Tate and Beth de Woody collections. His art is represented by Cynthia Corbett Gallery in London and Ahmanson Gallery in Los Angeles. He is also one of the Faith in the Arts podcast.
Wonderful echoes of Manley Hopkins, “Glory be to God for dappled things.”
I love the line “Landscapes scoped, scraped, scrapped, routed, reborn.” This reminded me of the Hopkins line “Generations have trod, have trod, have trod” and following.
I had to look up the “hour nine”- when Christ died(!) Brilliant.
And the style of the picture had a minor key melody of recycled beauty. Thank you all!
Well written!