This sonnet is part of a brand new sonnet cycle by the author of the Wilderking Trilogy, Jonathan Rogers. This sonnet cycle and other bonus content are only available in the new 20th-anniversary illustration editions of the beloved Wilderking books, now available through the Rabbit Room Store.
Sweet Gal, You Make Me Think
by Jonathan Rogers
Sweet gal, you make me think of summer days. Your smile is just as bright as July’s sun. Your breath is gentle like a swampy breeze— Except your breath don’t smell like swamp-gas none. A lot of summer days is awful muggy. That ain’t the kind of summer day I mean. And although summer days is way too buggy, You’re mostly free of insects, when you’re clean. Many a summer morning starts out fine, And then a storm rolls in just after noon. Just to make things clear: I am not tryin’ To say you’re inconsistent in your moods. On second thought, in real important ways You do not make me think of summer days.
Talk about overthinking 😂
Oh the twist at the end! fantastic!