The Matrix of Tea is Water—Anna A. Friedrich
"I see you breaking through, revealing real needles in all these smoking haystacks..."
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The Matrix of Tea is Water
by Anna A. Friedrich
My face comes close to yours —by that I mean I see bush and flame, barefoot I see pillars and pots that flame, too, and move, as if living I see a hand that writes on walls to warn— a bright light, knocks me off my horse, I'm hearing voices (thunder?) I see you breaking through, revealing real needles in all these smoking haystacks, but I can only name the glow the chariot a tongue, on heads? Fumbling and veiled, I offer you a tent to make you permanent —but you, dove-like, you ascend radiant and all I can say is up and clouds.
Note from the author: “This poem of mine was first published in Ellis Potter’s wonder of a book, The Cloud of Knowing. The book is the material of a lecture I first heard him give at Swiss L’Abri years ago. That lecture truly knocked me off of a metaphorical horse, and was one of the most inspiring teachings I’ve ever had the privilege to hear live. It seemed like I had no choice but to respond by writing a poem.”
Anna A. Friedrich is a poet and Arts Pastor in Boston, Massachusetts. You can find more of her work at
"I see a hand / that writes on walls to warn— / a bright light, knocks me / off my horse, I'm hearing voices..." Breathtaking.
Beautifully written