This poem always reminds me of everything I love about poetry. I think I'm going to add it to the list of poems for my children to memorize this year.

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One of my favorites from Whitman!!

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Though Whitman utilized no meter or traditional form, repetition and alliteration gave his work its own syncopated rhythm. Like the noiseless, patient spider seeks to build bridges of gossamer to secure herself in the world, our souls require as much connection to other friendly souls to ground us, give us inspiration, and grant us some little happiness in our commonalities. Writers can do that for one another.

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Love the poem by Whitman! And will share your post on Facebook. Hope you get some more readers.



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Spiderman, Spiderman… One of my faves, and the namesake for my Substack. To me it’s a great metaphor for the process of writing. Plus, I’ve never read the word “ductile” in any other poem. +10 points.

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