“And the temple curtain braces to rip” Brilliant!

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Pull me

closer, and for the first time,

let’s look directly into each other’s

faces as the universe swirls

and the temple curtain braces

to rip.


I can see the curtain becoming taut, stretching like Mother Mary's own body had to stretch to bring the Glory of the Lord out of the Ark that was her womb into the world, for all to see.

I am a bit of a mess after reading this. This series has been such a wonderful experience, so poignant and evocative. Thank you again, Tania.

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It has been a wonderful experience seeing these comments and getting to meet new people like you! Thank you so much for the encouragement!

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This series has been stunning! Well done.

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Wonderful poetry on what the fleshy incarnation was like.

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So so good!

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"So many say / they want incarnation / but don’t really mean it" and " the temple curtain braces to rip." Just stunning. This series was just what I needed this Advent. Thank you Tania for writing and the Rabbit Room for commissioning!

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I can't tell you how much I have loved your advent poems. Pregnant Christmases

were always sacred to me. How beautifully you bring together the mysteries of fully God and fully man. Thank you.

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"So many say / they want incarnation / but don’t really mean it" is so so so good. I love this series. Thank you. (also I laughed out loud at the intro over on your Substack. "The worst Me-mas song of all time" and "you patriarchal weirdos" specifically. 😁)

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