Elizabeth, brilliant work on both of these poems! I appreciate how different but tremendous in their own ways each are.

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These are gorgeous. <3 I love the holy delight in the first one, and the rhthym of the second is so powerful.

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Let There Be More is wonderful! Such vivid imagery and singing rhymes. I particularly like the line "Let there be water, turned wine like the sea."

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Just beautiful.

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Amen. I have nothing else to say.

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Oh so delicious, nourishing and flavorsome! Was absolutely delighted to start my day with this, this morning; "With my whole body" - I love this, thank you.

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As a long-time fan of Wallace Stevens, as as someone who has written poetry in response to his work, I was excited to read "Peaches" before my eyes hit the first line. Now, after having read it 3 times, with plans to go back for more, I am refreshed by the embodied, worshipful treatment you gave to one of God's best inventions (especially in cobbler, I must say). "With my whole body..." that is a phrase I will be stealing–not for my own writing so much as to massage it into my prayer and my praise. Beautiful work, Elizabeth. Thank you.

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Oh my goodness yes.

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