This made me smile! When I worked at L'Abri my dishes were constantly misplaced, but it was a small price to pay for conversant throats and willing hands! <3

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Liz, how fitting that you should mention L'Abri. This poem was written to honor some dear friends who'd been workers at English L'Abri. There truly is something beautiful and mysterious about that ministry.

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I was wondering if there was some L’Abri inspo, because it definitely has that feel to it. Well done.

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"Some of us, with bloody heart

roots dangling from abrupt

transplantation moan in silent

mourning. Some of us, with hard-earned

wisdom, speak gracious peace."

Wow! Amazing lines - thank you 🙏

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Thank you for reading, Naomi!

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This is so beautiful! Thank you!

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Thank you, Patricia, I appreciate the comment.

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Wow this was amazing. Such a good reminder that hospitality is so life giving!

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Thank you for the encouragement, Kym!

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This is beautiful. I have been thinking about God's welcome the last couple of days and how I'd like to do hospitality so this is very inspiring, thank you.

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Thank you, Faith. "God's welcome". I love that line.

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we will find ourselves

used, sorted, misplaced.

Yet, inevitably, found again.

we have hope! well said

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Indeed we do, Tricia. Thanks for reading.

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